Humanities Undergraduate Mentoring Grants for Teaching Assistantships

As part of the college support for experiential learning, HUM grants offer resources for student-initiated, faculty-mentored teaching collaborations. Qualified teaching assistants can apply to the College of Humanities, with a faculty mentor’s endorsement, for $500 in scholarship funding upon successful completion of all grant requirements.

The program consists of:

  1. three online workshop sessions along with TA skills training modules during fall semester
  2. a mentored project management experience
  3. a professional narrative endorsed by the faculty mentor


  • Project Management Part 1: Set-up (January 28 or 29)
  • Project Management Part 2: Troubleshooting (February 18 or 19)
  • Project Management Part 3:  Wrap-up (April 1 or 2)

All sessions will be one hour. In person or live remote attendance is required.


  • Must be a major or minor in the College of Humanities.
  • Must be officially hired to work as a teaching assistant for a humanities course.
  • Must be endorsed by the full-time faculty member who is teaching the course and will mentor the project.
  • Students who have received a TA HUM grant before, may apply again with a new project.

The faculty mentors will collaborate with their teaching assistants on a project that addresses gaps or challenges (particularly in the context of the pandemic) in areas such as student engagement, pedagogical tools and resources, curricular content and design, student user experience, and assessment.

Application steps:

  1. Meet with faculty mentor
  2. Determine area of primary focus—describe it in a paragraph
    • challenge or need the proposed project will address
    • the anticipated impact (what addressing that challenge will make possible
    • the desired results (the product or service)
    • a collaboration plan with milestones and a schedule for regular communication
  3. Submit application
  4. Mentor endorsement of collaboration plan

With questions please contact:


  • Application submission deadline – December 14, 11:59 p.m.
  • Application approval decisions made by December 18.
  • Acceptance, proposal feedback, and program detail emails sent by December 21.